July 8-11, 2007 I participated in EURO XXII in Prague. Here I gave a talk “Embedding Dynamic Statistic Prediction (DSP) Models into a Markov Decision Process (MDP)”. Afterwards I spend a few days enjoying Prague.
Lars Relund Nielsen
The paper “An algorithm for ranking assignments using reoptimization” have been accepted for publication in C&OR.
I recent had a discussion with Søren about how one could create an animation of some plots in R. After searching the mail-list it seems that the best way to do it is using ImageMagick which is a free set of tools to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. To use the following guide you must install ImageMagick. Creating an animated gif We create an animated gif file in two steps. First, we save all the plots used in the animation as png files (vector file format) and second, we merge them into a gif animation. Lets try a simple example: > x<-1:10 > y<-runif(10,1.5,2.5) > xlim<-c(0,10) > ylim<-c(0,4) > png(file=”plot%02d.png”, bg=”transparent”) > plot(x, y, type=”n”, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) > title(“Create 10 uniform distributed samples”) > for (i in 1:10) plot(x[i], y[i], axes=F, xlab=””, ylab=””, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim) > dev.off() We have now created intermediate files plot01.png to plot11.png. Note Plot plot01.png […]
The Nordic-Baltic Biometric Conference 2007 (NBBC07) is the first conference arranged by the Nordic Regional and Baltic National Biometric Societies. The conferences aim at to supplement the series arranged by the International Biometric Society and are held in order to strengthen the collaborative efforts of the Nordic researchers interested in biometry and statistics in general. NBBC07 is hosted by the Research Unit of Statistics and Decision Analysis, Department of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Aarhus situated at Research Centre Foulum. For more information see the conference web-site.
The last days I have been participating in a kick-off meeting for the Biosens II project. Using online measurements in milk models finding optimal times for treatment must be developed. The project will run over the next five years.
A new working paper ” A note on ‘Multicriteria adaptive paths in stochastic, time-varying networks’” have been published. See under publications.
A new working paper “Bicriterion a priori route choice in stochastic time-dependent networks” have been published. See under publications.
From August 14-28, 2006 Daniele Pretolani, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy visited me and Kim Allan Andersen. We did some research on stochastic time-dependent networks.
July 2-5, 2006 I have participated in EURO XXI in Iceland. Here I gave a talk about finding the K best policies in a Markon decision process.
The 12-14’th of June I have participated in MOPGP06 — the 7th International Conference devoted to Multi-Objective Programming and Goal Programming. I gave a talk about bicriterion a priori route choice i stochastic time-dependent networks.