For at bruge fx svn er det ofte nyttig at have en nøgle når man logger ind på en server. Herved er man fri for at skrive sit passwd. For at bruge en nøgle skal i have installeret PuTTY, PuTTY Pageant og PuTTYgen der kan hentes her. Du kan downloade Windows installeren der indeholder alt det du skal bruge. En nøgle kan oprettes på flg måde: 1. Åben PuTTYgen, tryk generate og flg. instruktionerne. 2. Skriv en passphrase (et passwd som du skal kunne huske). 3. Tryk save private key og gem nøgle et sted. 4. Tryk save public key og gem nøglen samme sted. 5. Luk ikke vinduet endnu du skal bruge det der står i feltet ‘Public key for pasting …’ Du har nu fået lavet en nøgle. Det du nu mangler er at ligge public nøglen ud på serveren også. Dette gøre på flg. måde: 1. Log […]
Lars Relund Nielsen
After ½ a year at ASB I am back as a project scientist at the Statistics and Decision Analysis Research Unit at The Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences.
The paper “On the Bicriterion Multi Modal Assignment Problem” has been published as a working paper at the Department of Operations Research, University of Aarhus (see under publications).
The paper “A note on ranking assignments using reoptimization” has been published as a working paper at the Department of Operations Research, University of Aarhus (see under publications).
During the last months I have been working on a project concerning the bicriterion multi modal assignment problem which is an extension the assignment problem where more than one arc may exists for each person and job. A working paper with theoretic and experimental results are expected to be published soon.
From September to December 2005 I am teaching in a course “Advanced Management Science” (Videregående Erhvervsøkonomi på HA) at Aarhus School of Business.
The 6-9th September 2005 I am participating in the annual conference of the Italian Operations Research Society. I am giving a talk with the title “A hypergraph model for a finite–horizon Markov decision process”.
For the next ½ a year I am going to work at Aarhus School of Business on a research project concerning the bicriterion Chinese Postman problem.
The report “Finding the K shortest hyperpaths using reoptimization” has been accepted for publication in Operations Research Letters (see under publications).
The paper “Risk Management in Forestry – Possible Solution Approaches” has been published as a research note at the Danish Informatics Network in the Agriculture Sciences (DINA), The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (see under publications).