The paper “Finding the K shortest hyperpaths” has been published in Computers and Operations Research (see under publications).
Daniele Pretolani had the opportunity to come to Denmark for a month to visit my former supervisor Kim Allan Andersen and me. We are using the opportunity to write three companion papers from my thesis. One concerning finding the K shortest hyperpaths using reoptimization, one concerning finding the K best strategies in a stochastic time-dependent network and finally, a paper on bicriterion problems in stochastic time-dependent networks. The papers will be available under publication as soon as possible.
I am currently working on a project concerning optimal replacement strategies for sows with Erik Jørgensen. The problem is modelled using a multi-level hierarchic Markov decision process. The original model was developed by Anders Ringgaard Kristensen (KVL) whom I have had fruitful discussions with. I have realized that directed hypergraphs actually can be used to model finite-horizon Markov decision processes. They provide us with an efficient way of storing the process and by finding the shortest hyperpath we actually can fnd the optimal policy. Moreover, it should be possible the find the K best policies.
Togeather with 10 people we have started a study group on Bayesian Networks. We are going to read the book: Bayesian Networks and Decision Graphs, Finn V. Jensen, Springer.
I just got my Ph.D degree after a succesfull defense the 13. Febuary.
I am currently finishing my thesis which will be submitted 4. December (see publications).
Submitted a draft of the working paper “Bicriterion shortest hyperpaths in random time-dependent networks”. Currently working on a improved branching rule for bi-SBT when two distance functions are considered. Started to work on my thesis. Teaching: Student assistant in “Mathematical Programming I” (1 class).
I an on a leave from the 29’th of July to the 4’th of November.
Finished a draft on bricriterion shortest hyperpaths in random time-dependent networks (see publications). Summer School: “Nordic Summer School on Applied Optimization and Modelling”, Sandvig, Bornholm, Denmark, May 5 – 11, 2002. Conferences: “MCDM Winter Conference 2002”, Semmeing, Austria, February 18-22, 2002. “IFORS 2002”, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 8 – 12, 2002. Teaching: Student assistant in “Mathematical Programming I” (1 class).
I started on completing the papers in my progress report so that they can be submitted to a journal. Professor Daniele Pretolani visited me from September 23 to October 23 where a draft of the paper “Finding the K shortest hyperpaths: algorithms and applications” was made and submitted (see publications). I was so lucky that my girlfriend gave birth to a beautiful boy “Mads” on 3650 grams 🙂 Conferences: “Nordic MPS 2001”, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, November 15-17, 2001. Teaching: Student assistant in “Mat alpha” (2 classes).